Which plant can be substituted for onion in a recipe? Which plant emits gas that can be ignited by flame? Check out these interesting plant facts and more below.
85% of the Earth’s plant life can be found in the ocean!

The tallest tree ever recorded was an Australian eucalyptus. In 1872, it measured in at a whopping 435 feet tall!

Vanilla extract is actually a product of the tropical orchid, Vanilla planifolia! Who knew orchids were so tasty?!

There are more than 300,000 identified plant species, with new species being discovered each year!

You can use your dropped succulent leaves to grow a whole new succulent plant. who doesn’t love baby succulents?!

While a sunflower looks like a single large plant, it is actually composed of hundreds of tiny flowers. These tiny flowers, known as florets, ripen to become the sunflower’s seeds.

Tulips are a member of the onion family. Their bulbs (while more expensive and less flavorful) are a great substitution for onions in a recipe.

Gas plants produce a clear gas on humid, warm nights that is said to be ignitable with a lit match.

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